Welcome to the Kidsland Kidsclub official web site. We hope to provide you with all the necessary information about who we are and what quality services we offer.
We have now been at our new home at St Joseph's RC Church Hall, Bolton Road Darwen for five years, and we absolutely love it here.  We have a large hall for play, and a large quiet room for dining, homework club, a quiet area for either our Early Years children or an electronic games room for our older Key Stage 6 children.  We have a hard play area for outdoor play, and a small wood belonging to the church which we will use for Forest School, Nature Walks and Bug Hunting activities etc.  We have use of a large commercial kitchen for preparing all our healthy snacks. There is a large car park off the main road with direct access for parents collecting children. This club opens for Before and After School care and has mini-bus drop off and collections from; St Barnabas Primary School, Sudell Primary School, St Peters Primary School, Hoddlesden St Paul's School, Holy Trinity Primary School and St Joseph's Primary School. We also provide Holiday care at this club for all children requiring full day holiday care for children of any and all schools. 
Kidsland has a new club at Ashleigh Primary School and we have now been there for over five years.  We were delighted to be asked by the head teacher and governors, and for the opportunity to bring our Ofsted Outstanding childcare to Ashleigh, and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the school.
Kidsland has a thorough Risk Assessment in place to protect the children, staff and collecting parents, whilst we are under the threat of Coronavirus, and Kidsland will take all steps necessary to keep everyone as safe as possible whilst in our premises, and using our facilities. 

Please feel free to browse our site to learn lots more about Kidsland-Kidsclub.com Should you require further information please do not hesitate to get in touch via our contacts


We are now trialling a payment method for our parents, through Inspire Payments.  We will email you, confirming the outstanding invoice amount, and you will be able to click on the link, add your details, and payment can then be taken and paid to us.  This is an easy, convenient method of taking payment, and I hope that our parents will appreciate our efforts to simplify the process for everyone.


We are looking for new staff to join our team.  If you, or anyone you may know who you feel may be interested, please can you talk to either Lindsey at the club, or contact me: Yvonne 07966224968  01254 771717 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Thank you.


Kidsland Kidsclubs are open for


Before and After School Clubs,


and our next Holiday Club will be open for the 

February Half Term Holidays


Monday 17th February 2025


Friday 21st January 2025


 7:30 am - 6:00 pm daily. 


For all enquiries please contact Yvonne on 07966224968 
or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you